My experiences continually shape me and inform my work as an educator. When I first began teaching, I didn’t think of the outdoors as a place where teachers and students can do amazing work. It’s not that I didn’t believe in it. I just didn’t have any real exposure to it. Then I was given the opportunity to teach my students in outdoor environments and travel with them. I saw them gain a deeper understanding of concepts, culture, and themselves. I found that our relationships were richer. Our learning communities were stronger. Unfortunately, not all students and educators have access to rich outdoor and experiential opportunities. Like the outdoor industry, far too many experiential education programs lack diversity or are marketed to groups as a unique opportunity to lift them from their troubled lives. I’m pushing against that in the work that I do.
I was drawn to Verascapes because their mission aims to make diversity in the outdoor industry the norm, to challenge the systems that limit access to opportunities for underrepresented people, and to help those from all backgrounds believe in the value of their presence in the outdoor world. Yes, I’m here for all of that!
Certifications & Credentials
● NOLS Wilderness First Responder
● Pennsylvania Certified Teacher
● Master of Science Education, University of Pennsylvania
● Bachelor of Science Psychology and Africana Studies, University of Pittsburgh
LaToya Miller
Educator, Teacher Trainer and Consultant, Experiential Education Guide